I’ve had a slice at SliceHost for longer than I care to admit by now1, I just hadn’t quite gotten around to ever testing and configuring it the way I wanted to.
Testing the Slice
Supposedly about
I’ve had a slice at SliceHost for longer than I care to admit by now1, I just hadn’t quite gotten around to ever testing and configuring it the way I wanted to.
For some reason I got off on a “Research Australia” kick tonight. I’ve always found it interesting that most of Australia’s inhabitants live in cities on the eastern coast, so I’m mainly focusing my research on the cities of the central and western areas of Australia.
I’m considering snagging a cheap refurbished Dell from HCDI Trading to use as an IPCop or m0n0wall firewall / router.
Hurray! Vista SP1 is now available to TechNet Plus subscribers, just like it should have been all along.
Vista SP1 was RTM earlier this month, and they announced a laid-back release schedule.