I’ve had a slice at SliceHost for longer than I care to admit by now1, I just hadn’t quite gotten around to ever testing and configuring it the way I wanted to.
Posts tagged with public-opinion
Considering Router Changes
I’m considering snagging a cheap refurbished Dell from HCDI Trading to use as an IPCop or m0n0wall firewall / router.
OpenDNS and Google a Phisher's Delight?
RandyWalker linked me to the entry Google is the new http:// in #wordpress earlier, and I shortly thereafter commented over on Alex King’s blog about OpenDNS’s typo-search feature. You know the one - if you type in a domain that doesn’t exist, rather than giving you the default “Couldn’t find that server” message, you get redirected to a Google-powered search results page instead (containing ads).
Scott Adams on Atheists
You know, I love Scott Adams… He may in fact be the greatest human being ever. Take this quote from his most recent blog post Atheists: The New Gays:
Network Diagrams
My final class for my Networking degree is a “real world application” class. You get a basic RFP that outlines specs for a ficticious company’s new network, and your team has to write up a professional quote for it, pretending to be a consulting company bidding on the project.