You know, I love Scott Adams… He may in fact be the greatest human being ever. Take this quote from his most recent blog post Atheists: The New Gays:
Scott Adams on Atheists
Supposedly about
You know, I love Scott Adams… He may in fact be the greatest human being ever. Take this quote from his most recent blog post Atheists: The New Gays:
It was four months ago, almost to the day that I first found and read the 2005 Commencement speech that Steve Jobs gave to Stanford University, but the words still echo in my mind on a regular basis. When I wrote that post, I was trying to help out a friend who was having trouble seeing the path life was mysteriously supposed to take, and yet it now seems that I’m the one finding comfort and meaning in those words.
I’ve got some friends going through rough times in life right now. One isn’t happy with her path in life, and the other doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life… Having gone through some similar periods in life (I’m not sure they ever really end), I tried to offer my somewhat more ag
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