It started last week when I was trying to sign up for Ron Paul Christmas. For some peculiar reason, I didn’t receive the welcome email. After talking with the site owner, it turned out (mt) was rejecting the email because the email address didn’t exist on the sending server.
Posts tagged with internet - Page 4
Free Rice: An Amazing Approach to a Classic Problem
When I started reading Bill Clinton’s book Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World, I began to learn about and think about some of the more ingenious ways to help those in need not only in the US, but around the world.
Who Is Ron Paul?
As a follow up to my last post, I thought I’d post the list of brief facts about Ron Paul that came on one of the info cards. It’s really a great representation of some of the things he’s stood up for during his long congressional career.
Plesk Backup Error: Specified File Is Not Accessible
After upgrading my Plesk install past 8.1.1, I encountered a problem with the builtin backup utility. When attempting to create a new backup (either locally or to an FTP repository), I would almost instantly be handed back the error:
Vanilla: Link-Free Once Again
Following Matt’s announcement that the text-links had been removed from the free Vanilla forums package, I thought it was a good time to donate as well. There’s no way I can match Matt’s $1000, but I hope my meager $100 donation helps out.