Looks like Media Temple isn’t the only company that can’t keep their “grid” up…
Posts tagged with announcements - Page 5
The "Grid" Is Falling....The "Grid" Is Falling
I happened to find this Digg story in the upcoming entries. The “Grid” is Falling….The “Grid” is Falling is about the crappy level of service provided by the new Media Temple “Grid” service.
Scott Adams on Atheists
You know, I love Scott Adams… He may in fact be the greatest human being ever. Take this quote from his most recent blog post Atheists: The New Gays:
Media Temple (Gs) Down Time...
Welp, about 3 days into using Media Temple’s new (gs) system to host this blog, I’ve hit some fairly significant down-time. Wow, not a good showing at all. I mean, isn’t that the point of the entire grid-server concept? Aren’t we supposed to be highly redundant and not dependent on any single piece of hardware?
New MBP on the Way!
Well, I actually did it last night. In 7 to 10 days, my new MBP should ship, and 2 days after that, it should be in my gooey little hands. For those curious: