Looks like Media Temple isn’t the only company that can’t keep their “grid” up…

As I write this from my neighbor’s unsecure wireless network, it is 74 degrees outside. Sun shining, pleasant breeze blowing… Conditions don’t get much more ideal than this (particularly for December 1st).

Earlier, the wind was blowing particularly hard, and the power flashed. This time it flashed… and didn’t come back on. If I ever meet the person in charge of the local Duke Energy (Duke Power division) resources, I vow to castrate him with my fucking teeth… I can’t wait for another ice storm like last year. If they can’t keep the power on under these conditions, how will they ever during inclement weather?

As Fark would say… Duke Sucks…

20 Minute Mark
Reported outage at 3:52 via 1-800-POWER-ON. Stealing neighbor’s wireless. Sitting in dark corner, watching laptop’s battery slowly drain…

Originally published and updated .