I’ve spent the morning updating my Mint installation, and tracking down some really neat Peppers (ie: plugins) for it. Did you know there was a blog dedicated to Mint peppers? Neither did I.
Posts tagged with techno-babble - Page 11
Free Nights Rule
After wrapping up my last Task for my server migration yesterday, I was left with my first actual totally free night in more weeks than I can count. Honestly, when did my life get this busy? I sure don’t remember stepping through that door.
Networking, Geek Style!
Since I’ve been getting more and more in to Wordpress lately (hacking, plugging in, etc.), I decided I would pop by the #wordpress chatroom (on irc.freenode.net) and see what went on in there.
Windows Vista Beta Install Tips
I was searching for some help installing Windows Vista in a Virtual PC environment and Wink came to my rescue with this helpful blog entry from a Microsoft Virtual PC worker: Running Windows Vista Beta 1 under Virtual PC / Virtual Server.
Wordpress as a Development Platform
I’ve been considering it for quite some time now as I’ve slowly learned my way around while developing plugins, and with the recent 2.0 launch (and the impending 2.0.1 or 2.1 launch we all know is coming) I’m thinking it may be time…