While I was at the beach earlier this week I started getting hammered with emails that one of my crons was generating errors. I eventually got out my laptop and cleared out the hundreds of error emails and turned off the cron, but just now figured out the actual problem.
Posts tagged with html
Crazy Opera and IE Display Quirks
Someone checking out my last entry about CDN performance helpfully let me know that my site was displaying horribly in Opera. I’d checked in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome and hadn’t noticed a problem and just assumed I was pretty safe in other browsers since I wasn’t doing anything especially amazing.
Meta Name = Color?
I was looking at the source code of the Twitter Status blog, mainly out of curiosity to see how Tumblr was put together, and the first thing I noticed was this odd block of meta tags at the very top of the header:
IETester and Javascript Errors
I was playing with IETester, which lets you open Internet Explorer tabs using rendering engines from IE 5.5 up to IE 8 beta 1 for testing compatibility, and noticed for the first time that my blog was throwing a Javascript error only in IE.
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