Quite a while back we finally dumped our self-hosted SVN repos and moved over to GitHub for all our Habari code. Owen created an amazing script to pull all the issues out of our old (and insanely slow) Trac instance and dump them into the GitHub Issues system and we happily moved on and got back to work.
Posts tagged with code
Validating File Uploads in Kohana 3.2
I don’t often have to deal with file uploads, but this morning I had to include one on a form I was developing for a project at work. I know Kohana has a decent Validation class and even provides an Upload helper for actually moving the file into place, but the examples were all spotty and / or confusing in different ways.
Dictionary.com User Agent Sniffing
While I was at the beach earlier this week I started getting hammered with emails that one of my crons was generating errors. I eventually got out my laptop and cleared out the hundreds of error emails and turned off the cron, but just now figured out the actual problem.
Why Even a WordPress Plugin Needs OOP
I always run one trunk build or another of WordPress. Generally every few weeks I’ll svn up just to make sure I’ve got the latest code. Most of the time I don’t have any problems…
Migrating Habari to WordPress
While of course we never like to see anyone give up on Habari, it’s obviously not going to be the perfect platform for everyone. Hopefully most people will test it out before they make a final switch, but for those who get stuck and wish to switch back to WordPress (and we know you’re out there), I’ve finally throw together a quick script that should help.