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Latest Posts - Page 33
Hell, It Keeps You From Getting Bored...
I was just leaving work, about a block down the road (Congaree Rd. at Patewood Dr / Halton Rd for those that know the area). The light on Congaree turns yellow and the Toyota 4Runner (read: pussy wanna-be SUV) in front of me shows no indication of stopping, so I decide I’ll be a little balsy and take a hard yellow to make my right, hoping I’ll beat some traffic if I hurry.
Would You Like a Mint on Your Pillow?
After reading on Paul Stamatiou’s About page that he thought Flickr (which I already use) and Mint were the best web inventions ever, I decided it was time that I finally took a good hard look at Mint.
The NewsGator API
I just posted My NewsGator API Class over on Incoherent Code. It’s about half-way done at the moment, but it’s worth posting, especially if I can generate a little interest in it (and hopefully get some help wrapping it up).
Books, Books, Books!
Talk about book news lately!