As you probably know by now if you’ve ever read this blog before, I like to ask questions of my readers. It’s a way for me to gain some added industry experience without actually having to live through any some of the common pitfalls of the day-to-day life of a Systems Administrator, and typically you guys are pretty helpful and informative while being only slightly snotty…
Posts tagged with daily-grind - Page 8
TagThru - a True Search Comparison
It’s not often that something brand new hits the internet that provides such an easy basis for comparison. I imagine this likely wasn’t one of the ideas on their minds when they released “SOG” late last week, but Scott and Alex did give me an interesting way to test the search leaders.
Scratching a 'Net Itch?
I’ve spent the morning updating my Mint installation, and tracking down some really neat Peppers (ie: plugins) for it. Did you know there was a blog dedicated to Mint peppers? Neither did I.
Networking, Geek Style!
Since I’ve been getting more and more in to Wordpress lately (hacking, plugging in, etc.), I decided I would pop by the #wordpress chatroom (on and see what went on in there.
I Salute You, Mr. Schwarzenegger
Alright, for this story, I just can’t beat the hilarious headlines that were awarded by loyal Fark submitters: