I was reading the latest post by Ed Bott just now, and had already clicked ‘Mark as Read’ in NewsGator when I noticed the last two lines:
Latest Posts - Page 40
OS X on x86 Review
The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) has a great article about running Apple OS X on x86 hardware (a Dell Optiplex to be precise). You can read it here, where you’ll see how incredibly difficult doing stuff like this can actually be. Sure it’s pretty straight-forward in the end, but these are the kind of punches you have to roll with in the computer world. So appreciate your Systems Administrators, will ya?
The End of Adaware's Reign?
For several months now, I’ve slowly started telling people not to use Adaware to remove their spyware infestations, and rather to start downloading and installing Microsoft AntiSpyware (still in Beta).
ATM Running XP Pro Crashing
Welp, I decided to take the morning off from my NewsGator API code, since I made some crazy progress last night. I was trying to clear out some of the clutter that had built up in my RSS reader, and found the ATM Crash post, complete with Flickr set here.
Pandora Invite
With so much talk about Pandora lately, I decided to drop by and pop my email address in for an invite, just on the off chance I happened to be one of the lucky ones that got accepted.