A few months ago I had a rude surprise when I got up one morning… my several years old MacBook Pro was sitting at an angle. Upon inspection, the battery had peculiarly started to bulge out in the center. Over the proceeding several days it continued to bulge to the point that the battery didn’t work at all and my laptop was unusable with the battery installed due to the weird angle it perched at.
Latest Posts - Page 4
I saw B-Squares posted on the Sparkfun blog. One of the neatest things I’ve seen in a long time, they’re magnetic so you can simply attach them to each other and build out your circuit.
Dictionary.com User Agent Sniffing
While I was at the beach earlier this week I started getting hammered with emails that one of my crons was generating errors. I eventually got out my laptop and cleared out the hundreds of error emails and turned off the cron, but just now figured out the actual problem.
Reporting Spamming IPs: An Interesting Little Diversion
I wrote a plugin a few days ago that notifies me of any comments left on my blog (using an Amazon SNS queue), regardless of status. That’s really of no interest to anyone except to explain why I’ve noticed the large uptick in comment spam that’s come in on one specific post today.
Rackspace Cloud Servers vs. Amazon EC2: Performance, CPU
Performance encompasses a lot of different metrics. In this example there are only a handfull that matter to me: CPU horsepower, Storage I/O, and Network Latency. In this post we’ll start with CPU.