After reading on Paul Stamatiou’s About page that he thought Flickr (which I already use) and Mint were the best web inventions ever, I decided it was time that I finally took a good hard look at Mint.
Posts tagged with techno-babble - Page 14
Supposedly about
The NewsGator API
Supposedly about
I just posted My NewsGator API Class over on Incoherent Code. It’s about half-way done at the moment, but it’s worth posting, especially if I can generate a little interest in it (and hopefully get some help wrapping it up).
IE Developer Toolbar
Supposedly about
I’ll have to remember to show this to Matt tomorrow at work, because I know he’s been having some problems (I know, that’s horribly mildly put) with Javascript and CSS in IE.
From the Holy Shit Department: Safari Passes Acid2 Test Before IE and Firefox
Supposedly about
I’m still having trouble believing it… Safari, the little browser from Cupertino that no one thought would go anywhere, has apparently passed the Acid2 test for browser web-standards compliance.
Wireless: It's the Future, Laddie...
Supposedly about
I was checking out a few random stories from the Weblogs, Inc. network of blogs, when I came across this story from Information Week over at The WiFi Weblog.