I just finished writing a massive comment on Ed Bott’s blog in response to this post and the first 3 comments that followed it. The comment is between 2 and 3 times the length of Ed’s original post, and quite probably way more than he was asking for when he decided to comment on the recent virus troubles he mentions. When I finished writing the comment, I was so utterly pleased with the way I made some of my points and outlined several of the problems faced by Systems Administrators in today’s world that I decided to post it here as well, since it more than qualifies as its own blog entry (from hell?). In order to understand it, please read Ed’s post (it’s short) that I linked to above first. Here goes:
Posts tagged with daily-grind - Page 13
Microsoft OneCare Beta
I got back from vacation just a short time ago and immediately checked my email. After only 3 full days away from the ‘net, I had over 400 new email messages waiting to be sorted through. Thanks to Mozilla Thunderbird’s SPAM filter, I really only had to pick through a few dozen.
PowerPoint -> Web in One Click
I forget now how I actually found this blog, but I want to thank the author for this great post! We actually wrote our own web-based mini-app to support a “slides” display so we could design a demo of one of our sites for this exact reason! Damn those PowerPoint users!!
Do That Funky Beta Thang!
Ever wanted to be one of the lucky beta testers for none other than Microsoft? Welp, now’s your chance…
A Dying Woman's Last Wish...
Well, as much as I hate to do it, Im going to violate a dying womans last wish by revealing this startling news to you, my loyal readers. I know, I know, Im a horrible person. If Ill violate a dying womans last wish, is there nothing holy left in the world?