Welp, after my previous post about having a new personal goal, inspired by the crazy chickens from the Savage Chickens cartoons, I decided to enjoy the archives over there. Along the way, I found so many hilarious cartoons I just had to make a list of my favorites.
Posts tagged with daily-grind - Page 12
Supposedly about
More NewsGator API Bashing...
Supposedly about
Welp, as impressed as I was with the response I got to my When API Specs Go Bad! post, I’ve just got to bitch about the NewsGator API again…
Have Some SPAM?
Supposedly about
Welp, with a mixed set of reasons, I’ve turned off the requirement to register on my blog before commenting. Not only is this really pointless for a blog of my size, but I’m also doing a bit of an experiment…
Freeing the ROUSes...
Supposedly about
I was reading the latest post by Ed Bott just now, and had already clicked ‘Mark as Read’ in NewsGator when I noticed the last two lines:
ATM Running XP Pro Crashing
Supposedly about
Welp, I decided to take the morning off from my NewsGator API code, since I made some crazy progress last night. I was trying to clear out some of the clutter that had built up in my RSS reader, and found the ATM Crash post, complete with Flickr set here.