In my guide on setting up Nginx I included tweaks for caching SSL sessions and limiting the ciphers that are accepted, but I didn’t cover how I actually store and manage SSL certificates or go into how you create the pem
files that Nginx uses.
Posts tagged with apache
Getting PHP HTTPS-Detection Working in Nginx
I ran into what is apparently a pretty common issue with users running PHP as some sort of CGI with the Nginx webserver. If you’re trying to detect whether a user is using SSL you normally check to see if $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on'
. Well apparently this is more of an Apache-only convention than I thought… It won’t work under Nginx, your PHP script will never see an HTTPS server value and will always think the connection is unencrypted (in my case with the SSL Admin plugin for Wordpress, resulting in an infinite loop back to the SSL version of the page).
My MacPorts Install
Update 8/27/2010: MacPorts disables all the default extensions when it compiles PHP, so I need to add back in the default POSIX extension.
Open Source License Comparison
I imagine many people have been confused with the differences between all the myriad open source licenses available. I did a quick Google, and found a very nice basic table listing some of the more popular licenses you might encounter and their key points.
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