For those interested, I’ve officially given up on writing a PHP interaction class for connecting to the SOAP-based NewsGator API.
Latest Posts - Page 36
New iTunes 6 Features Commentary
Alright, we’ll try and take a little break from all the legal bullshit that’s been going on with me lately and get back to what really matters this weekend: nerd-speak.
My Firefox Extension Favorites
I’ve actually been able to refer several people to some very helpful Firefox extensions in the recent past. Since I keep recommending some of the same ones over and over, I thought it was about time that I put together a list, so that I could share some of my experiences with the world, and hopefully benefit a few of you poor souls out there.
Amazon Goodness
Ed Bott had some funny Amazon links on his blog earlier…
James Blunt
I used to be a hard-core iTunes user… Every “New Music Tuesday” found me downloading their latest free song of the week. As time has passed and I’ve found I didn’t like several of their musical selections, I’ve become more cynical and bitter about which ones I check out. I’m glad I picked up this week’s free download though… In fact, it lead to the purchase of his entire album.