Intel has released it’s 3rd annual “Most Unwired Cities” list which, despite its misleading name, is actually a list of the top 100 cities with the broadest availability and most diversification of wireless internet access.

Very surprisingly, South Carolina (where I live if you didn’t know) has 5 locations on this top 100 list. We start off with Rock Hill, SC at #17 (which is listed in the same entry with Charlotte-Gastonia, NC — they overlap a lot these days). That’s not terribly surprising, since it’s Charlotte. Next up we’ve got Charleston and North-Charleston at #32, followed by Columbia, SC (our state capitol) at #58. We wrap up the list with a very shocking Greenville / Spartanburg / Anderson area at #81 and finish off our entries with Augusta, GA / Aiken, SC at #89 (again, they overlap these days).

The fact that Greenville / Spartanburg / Anderson made the list amazes me. Either I’m hiding in a hole in this city, this survey is horridly inaccurate, or it’s a sad statement about the state of wireless internet access in our nation as a whole.

In any case, it’s a very interesting read. Check it out at Intel’s site and see where your city / area ranks.

South Carolina Rankings
17 Charlotte-Gastonia, NC / Rock Hill, SC
32 Charleston / North Charleston, SC
58 Columbia, SC
81 Greenville / Spartanburg / Anderson, SC
89 Augusta, GA / Aiken, SC
Originally published and updated .