As some of you probably know, I’ve been working on a PHP class providing access to the recently released NewsGator API. I was making some pretty good progress about a week ago as I tore through the first 2 “sections” of commands (‘Locations’ and ‘Folders’). Then I got stuck on a problem with ‘Subscriptions’ and didn’t have time to stop and investigate further.
Posts tagged with incoherent-code - Page 8
Windows Security Vulnerabilities
I just finished writing a massive comment on Ed Bott’s blog in response to this post and the first 3 comments that followed it. The comment is between 2 and 3 times the length of Ed’s original post, and quite probably way more than he was asking for when he decided to comment on the recent virus troubles he mentions. When I finished writing the comment, I was so utterly pleased with the way I made some of my points and outlined several of the problems faced by Systems Administrators in today’s world that I decided to post it here as well, since it more than qualifies as its own blog entry (from hell?). In order to understand it, please read Ed’s post (it’s short) that I linked to above first. Here goes:
Microsoft's Virtual CD App
Well, I don’t personally have any use for it, but I did find this post interesting. I never knew Microsoft had anything that would natively mount ISO images as a Virtual Drive. Apparently neither did anyone else.
Microsoft OneCare BETA Review
After my last post about being accepted to the Microsoft OneCare Beta program, I actually installed the software. After a quick reboot, I was happily testing away. It would appear that the program is indeed blog worthy, so here goes nothing…
Microsoft OneCare Beta
I got back from vacation just a short time ago and immediately checked my email. After only 3 full days away from the ‘net, I had over 400 new email messages waiting to be sorted through. Thanks to Mozilla Thunderbird’s SPAM filter, I really only had to pick through a few dozen.