Posts tagged with commentary - Page 6
Tethering With Verizon
Hot on the heals of my last post is the news that you can now tether Verizon phones with your laptop1.
You're Bush-Bashing!
I’ve been watching Boston Legal season 1 DVDs for a while now, and one of my favorite lines yet came between William Shatner1 and Candice Bergen2. Bergen says something about how we should care more for such and such, and Shatner tells her he knows what she’s doing… She’s Bush-bashing!
Adobe Recently...
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed major problems with Adobe and Macromedia’s websites post-merger? It seems like every time I try to do something on either, the page either just won’t load (some kind of error, 404, etc.), or it takes absolutely forever to load…
How to Fly Without ID
I just stumbled upon this story today, about How To Fly Without ID. Since I’m more-or-less anti-government intrusion (yes, Google tracking my life is still fine) into my life, it caught my interest.