So I was on my own for dinner tonight. My mom’s finishing up painting one of the bedrooms in our house, and I’ve exhausted all my broke friends’ dinners out for a while1, so it was up to me to come up with something to eat.
Posts tagged with commentary - Page 4
There appear to be a lot of misguided people on the intarwebs claiming all sorts of varying things you have to do to get CURL to work on a Windows-based XAMPP install. I’d like to clear them all up here and now.
OpenDNS and Google a Phisher's Delight?
RandyWalker linked me to the entry Google is the new http:// in #wordpress earlier, and I shortly thereafter commented over on Alex King’s blog about OpenDNS’s typo-search feature. You know the one - if you type in a domain that doesn’t exist, rather than giving you the default “Couldn’t find that server” message, you get redirected to a Google-powered search results page instead (containing ads).
Could (Mt) Have Anything Else Go Wrong?
Just saw “Too many concurrent connections” SMTP error on (gs) GRID.Cluster.1 show up on my Google homepage.
From (Mt) to Fuzzy Hosting - a Tale of Hairy Joy
I just wanted to follow up to Thursday’s post about moving off of the (mt) grid to Fuzzy Hosting with a few more details about the move.