Latest Posts - Page 25

As if I didn’t want a Treo bad enough already, last night while at Ruby Tuesdays, I noticed that my cell phone was showing that I was on an EVDO network. That was odd, I thought, since there wasn’t a whole lot down by Ruby Tuesdays, and I’d have thought they’d put in EVDO closer to home first…

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Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed major problems with Adobe and Macromedia’s websites post-merger? It seems like every time I try to do something on either, the page either just won’t load (some kind of error, 404, etc.), or it takes absolutely forever to load…

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About 8:30 this morning, I was sitting at my desk at home, working on something for work1. I heard this noise outside, and assumed that it was a delivery truck or something stopped at a neighbor’s house. After 10 to 15 minutes, I decided to go look and see what was making all the noise, since it hadn’t gone away…

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