This post is in response to this post by Asa Dotzler (a member of the Firefox team). It should really be read before you keep reading this…

I agree with all the points you’ve made against the new tabs, but isn’t there something to be said for their willingness to listen to user requests and make an attempt (finally) to meet them?

Tabbed browsing has already been confirmed for IE7. The MSN Toolbar team was just doing what they could (remember, they’re not the IE team, just the addon guys) to try and grant user requests a little earlier. Sure it’s a hack, but what can you expect from an ADD-ON that makes no changes to a browser that wasn’t originally designed to perform this function?

Personally, I find the feature totally useless, but the effort made to present it admirable. I think we should at least give a little acknowledgement of the hard work these guys have obviously put in over on Microsoft Way…

Originally published and updated .